
Modern gdo gate dip oscillator by n1al
Modern gdo gate dip oscillator by n1al

The design based on the article for the 80 meter filter does work but it's such a narrow band pass that you'd probably have to build 3 different filters and tune them each to 1/3 of the band with a little overlap to cover the 80m band. I didn't need the 160m filter so I didn't build that one. The 40, 20, 15 and 10m filter work great. I verified them once tuned on a friend's network analyzer with tracking generator and they passed with flying colors. With only a slight adjustment of the windings once everything was in place and connected through my RigExpert antenna analyzer and to a dummy load, I now have 4 of the 5 filters that I built and working perfectly. Using the GDO and then verifying the he resonate frequency with a loop of wire to my frequency counter, It got me so close when tuning the LC pairs. I REALLY enjoyed using it for that project. I bought a used but in excellent condition Millen 90651 GDO off of eBay. I used the K4VX article from 1988 which calls for the grid dip meter. Click the DONATE button below for more information on how to make a donation.I wanted to build a set of the basic band pass filters for field day ops and didn't have a network analyzer. QSL.net e-mail and web services are provided at NO COST to amateur radio operators and organizations, although donations are encouraged and very much appreciated. If this error is due to a missing file for the QSL.NET web site, then please feel free to contact us to report the problem. You might also try an Internet Search to find what you were looking for. We suggest you try to reach the website owner directly, if possible. QSL.NET hosts more than 30,000 websites, all maintained by different people, so we will not be able to help you find the page or file you were looking for. Sorry, but the page or file you were looking for no longer exists. Error 404 - Page Cannot Be Found SITE MENU

Modern gdo gate dip oscillator by n1al